The collector to base voltage at 2N2222 is 60 volts, whereas it is 50 volts at BC547, and the collector to emitter voltage is 30 volts at 2N2222 vs 45 volts at BC547. The 2N2222 has an emitter, base, and collector pinout, whereas the BC547 has a collector, base, and emitter pinout. The BC547 transistor came in a to-92 package, but 2N2222 transistors, such as the PN2222 and KN2222, also came in to-92 packages. The 2N transistors were packaged in a to-18 package, which means they were enclosed with metal. The 2N2222 transistor is more powerful than the BC547. Collector to Emitter Voltage (VCE) is 30V.Collector to Base voltage ( VCB ) is 50V.Collector to Emitter Voltage (VCE) is 45V.DC Current Gain range is 110 to 800 hFE.The maximum frequency on this frequency is 250MHZ, which is the 2N2222 transistor's transition frequency. The trigger terminal's maximum bias voltage is 200 mV, while the 2N2222 transistor's maximum bias current is 200 mA. The maximum collector current of the 2N2222 transistor is 800mA this is the greatest current that this device can handle. The maximum current gain of the 2N2222 transistor is 300hFE, and this number determines the transistor's amplification factor. A bipolar NPN transistor, the 2N2222 is a transistor with two poles.